Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Busting the Dairy Myth - The Truth About our health and Dairy

Vitamin D And Weight Loss In Women - Busting the Dairy Myth - The Truth About our health and Dairy
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Millions of habitancy nearby the Uk consume dairy products on a daily basis. Our huge consumption of dairy is due not only to the convenience it brings to cooking and the habit of cooking with and eating dairy for the majority of our lives but more alarmingly because of the mantra that we are fed by government and the dairy industry that it is beneficial to our condition that somehow you need dairy to ensure you consume enough calcium to declare strong and salutary bones.

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How is Busting the Dairy Myth - The Truth About our health and Dairy

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Vitamin D And Weight Loss In Women.

The stories we are told about why we should consume dairy are based approximately entirely upon half-truths and are driven, not for the benefit of the nation's health, but to ensure the prolonged profits of the dairy industry.

The Myths Surrounding Why We Should Drink Milk

We Need the Calcium in case,granted by Dairy for Strong Bones

Dairy Uk advocates the promotion of three portions of dairy products per day. They claim that investigate results show that dairy is 'even more favourable (in terms of blood pressure, cholesterol, weight control, obvious cancers, bones and teeth) than fruit and vegetables'.

This has been the golden mark of the dairy industry for many, many years - regardless of the fact that it simply is not true. honestly hundreds of highly respected investigate studies conducted over many years and with a huge cross section of participants have shown that increased dairy intake does not collate with improved bone drive (Cumming and Klineberg, 1994; Huang and Himes, 1996; Cummings, Nevitt and Browner et al, 1995; Nordin, 1997). In several studies, dairy calcium has been shown to honestly growth the risk of osteoporosis and decrease the drive of bones!

How the dairy industry is still allowed to promote their products on the basis of the benefits of dairy calcium is beyond comprehension. investigate has proven beyond doubt that bone drive is not associated to calcium intake.

Bone drive is increased straight through practice (Lloyd, Petit et al, 2004), increased intake of vegetables and fruit (Tucker, Hannan et al, 1999) and a discount of animal protein and sodium (Finn, 1998).

3 Servings of Dairy Helps Weight Loss

'Dairy administration Inc. (responsible for the 3-a-day campaign) is the non-profit domestic and international planning and administration assosication responsible for addition question for U.S.-produced dairy products on behalf of America's dairy farmers.' - So clearly our welfare is more prominent than sales and profits then....

The Uk and Us dairy industries are allocating more and more of their marketing spend to the message that three servings of dairy can honestly help habitancy to lose weight.

This campaign has clear commercial, rather than condition goals as the dairy industry looks to ensure that dieters are given a reckon to continue appealing dairy. In the Us, the 0-million milk-moustache ad campaign during early 2005 was spearheaded by celebrities such as Dr. Phil, giving consumers very little information, but sending the message that it is ok to consume dairy on a regular basis. This campaign has been met with mixed reviews in condition circles, but the lowest line is that it has boosted sales of milk in the Us straight through the publicising of just one investigate study, funded by the dairy industry and with very questionable data. Is this legal?

The basis of their seminar is that dairy contains calcium (stronger bones seminar again), plus potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamins D, A and B12, riboflavin and niacin. However, nowhere on throughout the 3-a-day literature are quantities of these nutrients or daily requirements discussed - nor the fact that you can get each of these nutrients in plenty from fruit and vegetables without having to consume the cholesterol, calories, saturated fats and sugars contained in dairy produce.

There is simply no way that dairy can help maintain weight loss. Even skimmed milk is over 50% sugar (as a division of calories) and of the thousands of investigate studies conducted on dairy and its role in health, only one researcher claims that milk aids in weight loss. And his investigate is funded by the dairy industry.

The Facts about Dairy

The growth in cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and asthma that has occurred in the Western world over the past century directly correlates with the growth in dairy consumption.

In fact, a Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University, Colin Campbell, has undertaken the largest study of diet and disease in healing history. His findings are incredible - high animal calcium and animal protein intake is the former cause of degenerative disease.

Granted, dairy may include obvious beneficial nutrients in varying proportions. However, similarly to how we often hear that coffee, red wine and dark chocolate are 'good for us', it doesn't mean we should ignore the negatives or start on a diet of red wine and chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As with all life choices, we have to weigh up the pro's and the cons - and with dairy, the cons far outweigh the pros .

Twelve pounds of milk are required to found one pint of Ben's very rich ice cream.

Reasons to Kick the Dairy Habit:

1. Trans Fats, Sugar, Saturated Fat, Cholesterol, Chemicals, Calories

Dairy products are riddled with dangerously high levels of bad, saturated fats, cholesterol and sugars which all contribute significantly to degenerative disease. For example, butter is 100% fat, Cheddar cheese 74% fat, whole milk 49% fat and even '2% milk' is 35% fat .

High fat diets are, without doubt, strongly associated to the alarming obesity levels in the Us and Uk, with investigate showing that 59% of American men and 49% of American women now being overweight. In relation to dairy, this may have something to do with the fact that the average American consumes approximately 600 pounds of dairy products every year - that is five times more dairy than fruit!

2. Cancer

Dairy products are directly associated to an increased risk of prostate cancer , ovarian cancer , prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and testicular cancer

The American Cancer society states that "about one-third of the 500,000 cancer deaths that occur in the United States each year is due to dietary factors...Although the committee recognizes that no diet can guarantee full safety against any disease, we believe that our recommendations offer the best nourishment data currently available to help Americans sacrifice their risk of cancer."

Furthermore, their two highest recommendations are: "1. Choose most of the foods you eat from plant sources"; and "2. Limit your intake of high-fat foods, particularly from animal sources."

3. Cardiovascular Disease (Cvd)

Cvd is the number one cause of death in the Uk and the Us with investigate suggesting that over 3,000 Americans suffer a heart assault every day - and over the past 40 years, investigate from highly respected journals such as, the International Journal of Cardiology , European Journal of Epidemiology and the American Journal of Clinical nourishment have all found a direct correlation in the middle of regular dairy consumption and a immense growth in Cvd.

This increased risk of Cvd is not just a consequent of the cholesterol and fat contained in dairy yield , but also the animal protein, milk carbohydrates and milk sugar lactose which play havoc with our bodies health.

4. Osteoporosis

For many years milk has been marketed for its supposed potential to preclude osteoporosis - however, investigate has shown this to be untrue . according to the 12-year Harvard Nurses' condition Study, milk intake had honestly benefit with regards to bone fracture risk and that increased dairy calcium could honestly have the reverse consequent and lead to a decrease in bone strength!

Studies into the factors that consequent bone drive in young adults have highlighted that practice is honestly the noted determinant of bone strength. another investigate exploration which examined over 58 studies into nourishment and bone condition found very little evidence to recommend that addition milk or other dairy intake improved the bone drive of young adults .

5. Diabetes

Medical science has proven, beyond doubt that there is a direct relationship in the middle of frequent dairy consumption and an increased risk of diabetes. For instance, a cross-cultural study conducted with children from 40 separate countries identified that the higher the consumption of dairy and other animal products, the more likely the child was of developing diabetes. The study also found that those children who had a largely vegetarian diet has a highly decreased risk .

Diabetes Uk claim that 'over 80 per cent of habitancy with Type 2 diabetes are overweight at diagnosis. The more overweight you are, the greater your risk of diabetes.' They also add that those with cardiovascular illness and those with high blood pressure are also highly at risk of diabetes. As it is clear that a diet high in dairy dramatically increases the likelihood of being overweight and of suffering from cardiovascular problems, the chances of suffering from diabetes are also increased.

Life After Dairy

Transitioning to a dairy-free diet or reducing the number of dairy you consume is not as difficult as you would think - and the benefits are well worth the sacrifices. However, many habitancy maintain dairy in their diet due to the trust that you need dairy to ensure you give your body obvious nutrients. This is honestly not true as a diet that is rich in leafy, green vegetables and fruits offers you far more nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants:

Sources of Calcium: Green vegetables, such as kale and broccoli, and almonds are far best than milk as calcium sources. Iron: Milk is honestly very low in iron and also causes blood loss from the intestinal tract, which even depletes the iron shop from the body. Dried beans and dark leafy green vegetables are excellent sources of iron, and are even reported to be a more effective source of iron on a per calorie basis than meat or any other animal produce. Protein: It is a base misconception that vegetarians or those who do not consume dairy ordinarily are somehow going to be deficient in protein. This could not be additional from the truth. Although animal products often include more protein than obvious vegetables, the prominent fact to note is honestly how much protein the body needs on a daily basis. The Rda of protein is only 47g for women and 54g for men. This is honestly consumed on a varied dairy-free diet - in fact, over consumption of protein can have a very negative impact upon the body along with reduced kidney function and potentially the onset of osteoperosis. Non dairy sources of protein include cereals and grains; leafy green vegetables; Legumes - beans, lentils, peas, peanuts; Nuts; Spirulina; Seeds; Soy products; Sprouts; Wheatgrass and other grasses/ green powders; Wheatgrass juice is honestly a complete protein and contains, surrounded by others, the following amino acids: arginine, serine, absenisic, lysine, aspartic acid, glycine, alanine, methionine, leucine, tryptophane, phenylalanine, valine and valine.

There is honestly no condition associated reckon why one should consume dairy on a regular basis. For the nutrients that it does contain, the sacrifices and damage it causes to the body far outweighs any inherent benefit.

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