Friday, June 8, 2012

Risks and Benefits of Cod Liver Oil

Vitamin D And Weight Loss In Women - Risks and Benefits of Cod Liver Oil
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Do you know about - Risks and Benefits of Cod Liver Oil

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There are health benefits of cod liver oil and there are drawbacks. Cod liver oil benefits may not outweigh the risks. The primary advantage of cod liver oil is linked to its omega-3 content, but fish oils derived from the flesh of fish, rather than the liver, supply that advantage without the risks.

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How is Risks and Benefits of Cod Liver Oil

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The health benefits of cod liver oil are related, primarily to omega-3 fatty acids. These are primary for the salutary function of the brain, the heart, the joints, the digestive principles and many other systems of the body. someone else advantage of cod liver oil is linked to its vitamin E content, which helps the body process the fatty acids, is an primary antioxidant and promotes the health of the skin and the hair.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Benefits of Cod Liver Oil

Omega-3s are primary to human health, cannot be produced inside the body, and so, must be obtained from food or straight through supplementation. The best know source of omega-3 fatty acids is fish. Some fish comprise more omega 3s than others.

There are two types of omega-3 fatty acids that have been identified as primary for human health. They are Docosahexaenoic Acid or Dha and Eicosapentaenoic Acid or Epa. These are found primarily in fish. The body can turn someone else omega-3 fatty acid, known as Alpha-linolenic acid or Ala, to Dha and Epa, but the process is relatively inefficient. It is believed that one would have to consume a great deal of Ala in order to get the health benefits in case,granted by Dha and Epa.

The omega-3 found in flax seed oil is Ala. And some believe that flax seed oil can supply cod liver oil benefits, without the risks, but this is debatable. Although there are no risks linked with flax seed oil, it is unknown if Ala provides the same health benefits as Dha and Epa.

The Risks

Cod liver oil contains large amounts of vitamin A and vitamin D and may comprise contaminants such as mercury and pesticides. The body needs adequate amounts of vitamin A, but large amounts can be toxic. Vitamin D is not generally found in natural foods, but many processed foods are fortified with vitamin D to ensure good nutrition.

At one time the benefits of cod liver oil were believed to be linked with its vitamin A and D content. This was before omega-3 fatty acids had been identified and before food fortification was a coarse practice. It was also before taking daily multi-vitamins became a coarse institution and before industrial pollutants had contaminated our oceans.

Vitamin D

While no tolerable upper limit for vitamin D consumption has been established, adequate intake for adults, under the age of 50, and children is believed to be nearby 200 units per day. Adults over 50 should increase consumption to 400 units per day for men and 600 units per day for women. Vitamin D is primary for the body to process calcium and is therefore a factor in preventing osteoporosis and maintaining bone health. However, one of the favorite cod liver oil products contains 4000 to 5000 units of vitamin D per teaspoon, more than anyone needs on a daily basis.

Vitamin A

A tolerable upper limit for vitamin A has been established. The maximum estimate of vitamin A that a 25 year old man should buyer per day is 10,000 Iu. Women should consume less than half that amount. Women who are pregnant should avoid dietary supplements that comprise vitamin A because of the risk of birth defects. While vitamin A is primary for fetal amelioration and allembracing good health, it is stored in the fat cells and there is a great risk of over supplementation. Excess consumption of vitamin A is also believed to contribute to osteoporosis.

One of the favorite cod liver oil products contains 4000-5000 Iu of vitamin A, per teaspoon. When added to the estimate that may be gift in other dietary supplements, as well as the food that a person consumes per day, it will put most habitancy over the safe upper limit for vitamin A. While the advantage of cod liver oil for supplying primary omega 3s is known, it is unknown if excess consumption of vitamin A will counteract those effects.

A great choice for vitamin A supplementation is beta carotene and other carotenoids. gift in the great daily dietary supplements, carotenoids are converted by the body to vitamin A on an as-needed basis and are not linked with the negative effects of "pre-formed" vitamin A. The only known side supervene of excess consumption of carotenoids is a yellowing of the skin, called carotenosis, which is not dangerous, but may be undesirable.


Fish oil derived from the flesh of fish does not comprise the vitamins A and D. Those vitamins are usually gift in adequate amounts in daily multi-vitamins and fortified foods. Though extra vitamin D supplementation is often recommended for persons over the age of 50, it is not a advantage of cod liver oil and there are great choices for vitamin D supplementation.

From an environmental standpoint, over harvesting of the cod fish has led to the depletion of many populations. Farms work on the health of wild fish. The tool used for harvesting damages the habitat of other water dwelling life forms. Although there are cod liver oil benefits, these health benefits can be obtained from other sources that do not cause damage to our environment.

You can get the health benefits of cod liver oil by taking fish oil supplements derived from the flesh, rather than the liver of fish. To learn more, please visit the Fish Oil Guide.

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